Life with Two Kids

June 04, 2016

People often ask me how things are going now that I have two kids. Well, as you can imagine, things are bananas at times. The kids' naps RARELY align, I'm changing diapers and cleaning messes more times than I can count, there's laundry on repeat, and it feels like I have to prepare a day in advance to be able to leave the house. Someone (without kids) asked me if I would "endorse" having kids. Long answer short - YES!

Sure, there are times where things are tough, but there are also these incredibly tender moments. The kind of moments that can totally erase ANY frustrating situation. Watching your first baby kiss and love on your second baby is one of those moments. It's like emotion overload. I can't even believe that when Averie was born, we thought that we couldn't possibly love anyone the same. Then we had Remi, and our love multiplied. But watching those two love on each's TOO MUCH! I get weak in the knees just thinking about it.

I will continue to lose sleep (for now), clean up messes, change (many) diapers, and defuse meltdowns that will inevitably test my patience. I will do it for them. Because the challenges of today will NEVER overshadow the joy that they bring to my life. 

To all those mamas out there finding it tough...hang in there. You're contributing to something greater than you may be able to see right now. 

Photos | Jessica Redliker

Behind the scenes moment: Averie didn't want to have any part in this photoshoot. You'll notice that in most of the photos, she's holding food or has crumbs on her face. That's because I had to bribe her. In most of these shots I actually have a box of donuts hidden behind me back. Just a little 'mom truth' for you.
2 comments on "Life with Two Kids"
  1. I just have to say you look so much like your beautiful Mother and I know she'd be so proud of you. Congratulations on having those two beautiful babies.

    1. Thank you for your sweet words, Carrie.
