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What's in my Diaper Bag

July 26, 2016

Photos | Jessica Rediker
First off, let me say, that I'm not a fan of diaper bags. If I could, I would carry as little as possible with me - enough to fit in a small purse. I'm talking; diapers, wipes, done! But I haven't yet figured out how to get to that point. So, here's what I've been carrying around with me (along with two kids).

1. The Bag

I love the practicality of actual diaper bags; all the pockets, holders and special compartments. But I find it difficult to find a style of diaper bag that I love at a price point that I equally love. Instead, I've been using bags or purses that are large enough to hold what I need. This one (in photo), I found on clearance at H&M. 

Sure, you might wonder what my husband thinks about carrying around a somewhat feminine diaper bag. My husband and I have had that discussion, but in the end, we came to the conclusion that I'm the one who carries the "stuff" around 99% of the time - so it became a non-issue.

2. Diapers & Wipes (of course)

I make sure not to pack too many diapers. I try to bring only as many as I'll need for the day. 

3. Small Blanket

When I'm out with the kids, I don't always know where we'll end up or what the weather will be. Sometimes it can be really hot outside, but if we got into the mall, it can be freezing. There's so many ways to use a blanket: for shade from the sun (while in the stroller), emergency burp cloth, or for the baby to lay in the grass. You can't go wrong with packing a small blanket. 

4. Sippy Cup

My two-year old is ALWAYS thirsty. Especially in the heat we've been experiencing, it pays to have a sippy cup with us.

5. Snacks

On occasion, when I'm at the store or an appointment and Averie is close to losing it, snacks have been my saviour. Being hangry is a real thing for toddlers. To avoid being stranded without any food, I always try to take some little treats along with me. It could be fruit snacks, granola bars, raisins, fruit, or crackers. I try not to pack anything too messy but small enough that she can hold it herself. 

6. Activities or Toys

It's a fact that kids can only last so long in a stroller, a car, or when asked to sit still. It definitely doesn't hurt to have some tricks up your sleeve to entertain them. I have a small toy clipped onto Remi's car seat for times when he needs a distraction. For Averie, I bring crayons and a colouring book or some stories to read, depending on where we're going. I've also found that those small bottles of bubbles, that you sometimes get at weddings, are great to throw in your bag. They're compact and create a minimal mess if spilt.

7. My Stuff

Of course mama has to bring some of HER stuff too. Out of all the many kids things I carry around, I still like to bring some of my things. I usually have some lipstick or lip balm, hair ties and pins (you never know when you'll need to transition to "mom bun"), and hand sanitizer. To prevent my things from getting scattered all over the bag, I keep it all in a nice, little, zippered purse. Having all my things in one location also makes it easy to grab and go - should I get a moment to myself. 

Mom-to-mom, what are some of your diaper bag 'must haves'? 

My Lipstick Love Story

July 19, 2016

I think my love for bold, beautiful lip colours, began as a child. I remember watching my mom apply her classic bright red lipstick. The combination of her porcelain skin tone and pearly white teeth, accompanied by a bright shade of lip colour was so eye catching. 

Growing up, I was a bit of a tomboy. Although I enjoyed watching my mom primp herself, at the time, a tinted lip gloss was bold for me. It wasn't until my adult years that I really started to play with makeup. 

To this day, I still wouldn't consider myself a cosmetic expert. But I appreciate the fact that makeup is one of those things you can experiment with - without regret. I don't mind that my hot pink lips might be considered "passé" in a few years - it's worth the risk to have some fun now.

Here are three shades that I'm enjoying this summer.

Hot Pink.
There's something about a bight pink that reminds me of playing with Barbies as a child. Barbie was/is this character that can do anything and be anything that she wants. Maybe that's what draws me to this shade.

This photo doesn't do the colour justice. In reality, this is a deeper shade of purple. It's the perfect in-between-pink-and-red colour. This shade looks great with jewel tones - mustard/golden yellow, rust/burnt orange or navy blue.

Bright Red.
Probably my all time favourite colour. Red is just so classic - you can find a shade that suits everyone. Also, I think I prefer it because it brings back those memories of my mom. 

Lip Colours (top down): Joe Fresh Matte Lipstick | Fuchsia, Colour Pop Ultra Matte Lip | Creeper,
H&M Lipstick | Plum Fairy

I'm always on the lookout for a new lip colour. What colour are you loving right now?

Canadian Campfire Inspo

July 09, 2016
Canadian Campfire

Campfires are one of my favourite parts about camping/cottaging. Where we live, we're not permitted to have campfires in our backyard, so I really look forward to the summer when we can get away and roast and toast under the stars. 

Camping also brings out my patriotic side - Canada is full of so many beautiful places to vacation. When I was younger, my family spent a lot of time camping and traveling across the country. Now, whenever I get around a campfire, all those memories come back; hot chocolate, marshmallows, s'mores, blankets and stories. 

when I think about what to wear around the campfire, this would be my (Canadian) interpretation of camping gear. 

Becoming Who I Want to Be

July 07, 2016

I remember how everything seemed so different when I was younger. I used to dream about who I would marry, how many kids I would have, where I would work or where I would live. In my fantasies, I was always a wife and a mother, but all the other factors would change. 

It's hard to believe that I've now approached that stage in life that I thought about for so long as a child. But the exciting part is, my life doesn't end here. It doesn't plateau after realizing my dreams of getting married or having babies. Now, I have the exciting challenge of raising my kids while still shaping into who I want to be. 

These days, I find myself focusing more on who I WANT to be rather than who I DON'T want to be. I'm learning that becoming a mother doesn't mean that I have to give up the things that I enjoy. I can be a great parent AND still work, go back to school, enjoy fashion, or hang out with friends. Sure, my life looks a bit different now - my family has become my main focus. But I am still me. I still have the same interests, I'm just learning to balance it all. 

I'm not giving up who I am, I'm adjusting to become who I want to be.

Photos | Jessica Rediker