Becoming Who I Want to Be

July 07, 2016

I remember how everything seemed so different when I was younger. I used to dream about who I would marry, how many kids I would have, where I would work or where I would live. In my fantasies, I was always a wife and a mother, but all the other factors would change. 

It's hard to believe that I've now approached that stage in life that I thought about for so long as a child. But the exciting part is, my life doesn't end here. It doesn't plateau after realizing my dreams of getting married or having babies. Now, I have the exciting challenge of raising my kids while still shaping into who I want to be. 

These days, I find myself focusing more on who I WANT to be rather than who I DON'T want to be. I'm learning that becoming a mother doesn't mean that I have to give up the things that I enjoy. I can be a great parent AND still work, go back to school, enjoy fashion, or hang out with friends. Sure, my life looks a bit different now - my family has become my main focus. But I am still me. I still have the same interests, I'm just learning to balance it all. 

I'm not giving up who I am, I'm adjusting to become who I want to be.

Photos | Jessica Rediker
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