Finding A Blance

September 19, 2016

It's hard to believe that I am more than halfway through my maternity leave. Time has gone by even quicker the second time around. Now that I have two kids at home, I find myself jumping from one thing to the next. I feed one, then the other one wants food; just when I finish cleaning one mess, another one is made; when one is napping, the other wakes up; it's all a new set of challenges. But those challenges have given me a new set of skills. I've said it before, but it's true, becoming a mother has shown me that I'm capable of so much more than I thought I was. I'm getting so good at this mom gig that I can take care of the kids, clean the house AND still find some time for my hobbies (sometimes). To me, that is a major win. 

Since (finally) feeling like I'm getting into the groove of parenting, I've felt so much more alive. I am able to play with my kids (without distraction) and feel like I have so much more to offer them. I've also found that my patience and grace can stretch farther when I've been able to achieve a good family-time/me-time balance. 

I found that I was able to feel more balanced when I changed my attitude and outlook on life. Easier said than done - I know. It's been a process to change old mindsets, it's something I have to continually work on. But I have been able to see the fruit of it in the way I interact with my family and in managing my stress levels. Here are some tips that have helped me get out of my grumpy funk and stay positive:

- Get enough sleep. I know that this isn't always possible, especially depending on what age your kids are. My suggestions is, be wise with how you manage your time. It's so tempting (and easy) to spend countless hours watching Netflix once the kids have (finally) gone to bed. Instead, set a time limit and get to bed at a normal hour. You'll feel better in the morning and your kids will thank you. No one wants to deal with a grumpy mama bear.

- Do things for yourself that bring you LIFE. When you do find time for yourself, take a break from binge watching your favourite show and do something that makes you feel good (ex. make a craft, do a workout, hang out with some fiends, read a book, take a bath). I find that TV can be entertaining, but when I've spent countless hours watching it I tend to feel a bit like zombie. In the end, I didn't really achieve much except for some blood shot eyes.

- Find something to be thankful for everyday. I read a quote one day and it stuck with me, "Every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day". Find that "something good" in your day. Life can get crazy, but as I remind myself to think positively on a daily basis, it becomes easier to adopt a positive mindset.

If you're finding mom life overwhelming, I hope that these simple tips can help you feel a bit more grounded. On another note, if you've got some other tips that have helped you find some balance in your life - please share! 

Photos | Jessica Rediker
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