5 Ways to Ring in the New Year with Kids

December 29, 2016

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Christmas has become so much more crazy, busy and fun now that I have kids. But when New Year's Eve rolls around, I'm pooped. The thought of getting dressed up, going out and leaving the kids with a sitter until the wee hours of the morning isn't really something that I have the energy for. But instead of sitting at home and staring at that party dress in my closet, I decided to make plans for something to look forward to at home on NYE. Just because I'm choosing to be at home with my little family, doesn't mean that it has to feel like every other day.

Because, let's be honest, sometimes when you're at home with the kids all-day-every-day, you need to break up the monotony.

So if you're like me, and you're ok with living up the new year at home, here are some ideas to make it a bit more special for you {and the kids}.

1. Create a pretend countdown for the kids | If your kids are too young to stay up until midnight, or you're trying to avoid a meltdown before the new year, do a pretend countdown. Set a timer, turn the clocks forward, or just countdown from 10 right before bedtime. If you're feeling like a party animal, you can even bring out the noise makers and confetti.

2. Play some games | This was a tradition when I was a kid. Turn off the TV and pull out the board games...they probably don't get played enough anyways (they don't at my house).  

3. Set the scene | If you want it to feel like a party, it's all about the environment...create the scene. Blow up some balloons (kids love balloons), hang a banner or some streamers or make some party hats. 

4. Party food | Because Christmas and New Year's are so close together, you're bound to have an abundance of treats lying around. Take some of those treats you were given for Christmas and tuck them away until NYE. To even out the sugar intake, you can also make a fruit salad, veggie platter or cheese and cracker spread. 

As for beverages, I like to purchase something special for the adults as well as the kids. I also get those little plastic wine glasses, because it really doesn't matter what you put in them, they're instantly fun for the kids.

5. The after party | When the kids (finally) go to bed, the parents' after party begins. For everyone, this looks differently. For me, it's probably going to consist of eating snacks I've been hiding from the kids and watching a movie that isn't animated. 

Got any other 'stay at home party' ideas? I'd love to hear them.

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