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We Bought a House!

October 23, 2017

I can't believe I'm actually saying this...but we BOUGHT A HOUSE...another one! Earlier this year, Jesse and I sat down and evaluated what we wanted our financial future to look like.

If you know Jesse, you know he loves to talk finances, investments, mutual funds...anything to do with money.

During our planning, we made a goal to procure our first investment property this year. We spent the past few months watching the housing market and getting our realtors to scan the area for us, for the perfect starter property. After several months of searching during a crazy time in the real estate market, we finally found the perfect property.

In July we put in an offer on this house, but it was rejected. We re-evaluated our goals, finances, cost of the house, and the area, and we felt that we couldn't justify paying more for the property. Disappointed, we moved on.

Jesse had a hunch that it wouldn't be the last that we saw this property...and he was right. In August, the owners of the home reached out to us, and agreed to accept our original offer. 

We got the keys at the end of September and we're now in the full-swing of renos. It's pretty exciting to pick out paint colours, flooring, tiles and countertops. Jesse's been learning a ton about renos and has done the majority of the work himself along with the help of family.

We can't say 'thank you' enough to our family who has been pitching in with renos, meals and babysitting. So excited to see the final result and welcome out new (first) tenants in December.

Stay tuned for more on this journey!

Raising a 'girl boss'

September 13, 2017

Lipstick: LipSense | Photos: Jessica Rediker

A year ago, I decided to start a new business venture dabbling in the world of cosmetic sales - an industry I NEVER thought I would get into. I have never felt like sales (or cosmetics) were my forte. In fact, I have always despised working in sales. But when I tried the products, and saw the results, I knew that I had to share them with everyone I knew.

Since starting on this new venture, I've had to push myself to meet people, start conversations, put myself out there, set goals, and overcome many insecurities. I'm amazed that I can look back at where I was, even just a year ago, and see a huge difference in my self-confidence and perseverance. 

I'm at a point in my life right now, where I feel like I know what I want, and I want to work to achieve those things. It wasn't until I came to this place, that I realized that I wanted my daughter to experience those same things. I want her to know now, from a young age, that there are going to be challenges, there are going to be things that won't feel comfortable, but that doesn't mean that you can't overcome those obstacles. In fact, when you do overcome them, and come out on the other side, you will be better for it!

You will be stronger, wiser, and braver.

If you asked me today, what advice I'd like to pass onto my daughter, here's what I'd tell her:

1. Set goals, dream dreams, make plans, learn everything you can, be coachable, find others who are doing those things well and learn from them! 

2. Listen only to those you trust, those who believe in you, and those who are doing the same things as you, and listen to their advice. Let go of the words from those who don't understand what you're doing, those who haven't tried, and those who you don't know. 

3. Remember your priorities in life, God and family, and let everything else fall into place around them.

4. Take time for yourself, know when to quit, and call it a day. 

5. Try something new and don't be afraid to fail. Learn from your mistakes and try again. 

6. Don't wait around for perfection. The only way you'll get better, is by doing, not waiting.

7. Accept the possibility that you may be seeing yourself from a warped perspective, and when others are saying you're doing a great job - it's the truth!